Monday, February 27, 2006

Hov Pod Hovercrafts-Better Than Sex?

Author: Stewart Alexander

Hov Pod Hovercraft is a new three seater leisure hovercraft
made especially for marine usage.

Unlike PWC (personal watercraft) owners, Hov Pod Hovercraft users do not wait for the
tide to rise. Nope!

They simply jump into their personal hovercraft and before you know it they are off and away over mud, sand, shingle, grass, ice, in fact any kind of flat surface you can imagine.

Bystanders have bared witness to Hov Pod Hovercrafts hovering over objects such as car tyres! Can you imagine that? Hov Pod Hovercraft has proven time and time again how it can hover at
heights of up to 8.5 inches.

This part of the Hov Pod Hovercraft technology is particularly useful for inshore rescues, especially when mud or ice pose a hazard.

Hov Pod Hovercraft Ownership - Reality or Dream?

You maybe thinking... "So what's new? And quite rightly so, being as hovercrafts have been around for quite some time. However; having said that, the latest news is that leisure
hovercraft ownership has become an actual reality for many Hov Pod Hovercraft enthusiasts. In fact, gone are the days when people used to imagine hovercraft as huge, loud commercial
vessels or something for crazy enthusiasts that spent all their time and money putting home made kits together.

I'm sure you know the home made hovercraft kits I'm talking about.

Hov Pod Hovercraft Engine Design

Hov Pod Hovercraft designers have used the conventional lift engine which uses (one single engine) to generate tremendous air lift.

This one Hov Pod Hovercraft engine is capable of hurtling a Hov Pod Hovercraft forwards, sideways and into 180 and 360 degree turns. The icing on the cake are the hair raising top speeds of up to 45 miles per hour.

This One Engine Design is Responsible for Easier handling i.e.. driving Reduced noise outputs And easy maintenance Hov Pod Hovercraft Design Challenges

When it came to performance on water, previous small hovercraft designs produced a few obstacles. Development teams faced challenges known as "Ploughing in"... i.e.. When the hovercraft's nose dipped into the water, it caused the craft to suddenly stop. This sometimes lead to craft and passengers parting company!

Further challenges which the Hov Pod Hovercraft team had to
solve were:

Floatation Restarting on water

It took the Hov Pod Hovercraft development team 7 years to design and develop a safe personal leisure hovercraft for marine usage. As a result, the Hov Pod Hovercraft can be safely used in
salt water conditions and makes light work of the term "Getting over the hump."

"Getting over the hump." is a term used to describe the problems some small hovercraft experience in:

Generating enough power to start while on water Forward movement on a cushion of air Hov Pod Hovercraft Payload

Depending on the Hov Pod Hovercraft engine size... on water payload starts at:

550 pounds (250 kilos) or 725 pounds (330 kilos).

A Hov Pod Hovercraft personal leisure hovercraft is designed to carry up to three adults, or one adult and three small children.

Hov Pod Hovercraft Handling

Handling a Hov Pod Hovercraft is a breeze! Your natural instincts will be challenged, which adds all to the excitement of a Hov Pod Hovercraft adventure!

For example. With your new found hobby, you'll find yourself using sandbars, navigating mud flats, doing graceful loops, flying over any kind of flat surface, sliding and even gliding into breath stopping 180 degree turns or 360 degree spins.

Hov Pod Hovercraft Commercial Applications

Not only great as a personal leisure hovercraft for having the most amazing fun, the Hov Pod Hovercraft has proven itself to be a proven winner as a commercial application. Here are but a few commercial uses for:

Rescue organizations:

mud-flat rescues

sand dune rescues

swamp rescues

flood rescues

shallow river rescues

iced over lake rescues

and areas of submerged rocks or coral

About the author:

Stewart Alexander is the author and webmaster of: Hov Pod Adventures.
Visit Hov Pod Hovercraft Request Form for more information about
Hov Pod Personal Hovercrafts.

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